Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Addendum: Macchinette in Sicily

I saw some interesting vending machines during our visit to Sicily, too. A couple that I examined in Palermo sold the usual drinnks and snacks but not the sustaining range of groceries provided by our macchinetta in Fidenza. However, the Palermo macchinette had not only a variety of condoms but also CBD products with names like Skunk, Amnesia, and Gelato #420. 

Pay no attention to the old lady ogling the merchandise.
Medical marijuana is legal in Italy, as long as it's not very strong--less than 6 percent THC (the main psychoactive compound in marijuana). That's notably less than the 10 percent allowed in California. CBD is legal for general sale to Italians, but only if it's even weaker--less than 2 percent THC. So although the CBD products in this machine are pricey, at 10 euros for a gram, they probably don't deliver much of a kick. (This is all based on a quick internet search; please don't take it as legal advice.) 

The most surprising macchinetta I've seen was also in Sicily. A small kiosk in the middle of one of Palermo's busiest streets is a coin-operated laundry. As we walked by I saw this gallant fellow shield a companion from the stares of passersby like me. Then the items she'd just taken off went into the washing machine.

I suspect these folks weren't locals, but I didn't have the presence of mind to ask. The artwork-cum-sign above their heads mentions rivers, lakes, oceans, and Niagara Falls as well as soap and washing machines. Perhaps that makes people feel more comfortable doing their laundry out in the open.   


criticalfart said...

CBD delivers the opposite of a kick. If used properly it can replace vioxx, tylenol, xanax, and most anti inflammatories.If you go out forgetting your shoes, no matter.
I really dislike that laundromat. Too public.

Anonymous said...

Best laundromat ever. Good eye, catching those photos. Barbara M


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