Monday, June 10, 2019

Urban renewal

This week the big news is that our apartment is being painted. Here's Marco starting on the kitchen...

...and Cristiano prepping the bathroom.

We're having both these rooms done in white--a nicer white than what's already there, which looks like whitewash and comes off on your clothes if you lean against the wall. I'm nervously waiting to see how the colors I picked for the other rooms look on the walls, as opposed to on one-inch paint chips. Danny said I could choose the paint colors--"Do whatever you want," his personal motto--but I know he's reserving the right to tell me how badly I screwed up once the painting's all done.

No matter how things turn out, I will be grateful to at last be rid of this awful mural in our bedroom. 

The wrongness of the rope on that tire swing irks me every time I see it. Marco and Cristiano will be doing that room tomorrow. Non vedo l'ora! (I can't wait.)

Postscript: They've already started on the dining room--the first room with color. I like it! Thank god.
Danny's comment: "Hmm. It's a little dark." 

1 comment:

ColleenD said...

LUVVVVVVV the color!


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