Monday, May 29, 2017

Some random images

The mix of photos and words that comes so effortlessly to other bloggers (yes, Barbara, I mean you) continues to elude me. I take pictures of things I don't have much to say about, and neglect to take any of the things I feel deserve to be written up.

Here, then, are some photos of Fidenza, just to show what it looks like around here.
This is what a lot of the streets look like.

The piazza on Saturday night--hopping!

Daytime street

\Dog in window, apparently not for sale.

I can't get enough of these little streets with their shoulder-to-shoulder houses. Bello!

This is the entrance to the town library, which looks like it hasn't been touched in centuries. Pam and I went there today to get some reading and writing done. Inside it is very modern and architecturally ingenious.


barbara said...

Could you all move there, please, once you're Italians? It's wonderful. I will come visit regularly. How do you say, I don't eat meat or fish?

Tessa said...

I believe that is within my scope: "Non mangio ne carne ne pesce. Sono una pazza vegetariana della California."


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