Saturday, March 31, 2018

The guest room

It's minimal but I believe it's now fully operational. And our first guest has arrived. I guess we'll get her report in the morning.

How many Ikea items can you spot?

I think this is the longest we've ever been in a place without having some kind of art to put on the walls. All that blank space is making us both nervous. We are going to need to do something about this, and soon.


criticalfart said...

I wonder why you all didn't get furniture from second hand shops. Are there any around, or was the stuff too expensive?

Tessa DeCarlo said...

We actually have gotten some things at second-hand stores (the dining-room chairs) and consignment shops (the beds and our bedroom furniture). And can we count all the things we've gotten from Pam and Romano (the table in the guest room, to name but one item they've donated to us)? The advantage of Ikea, though, is that you can get a lot of stuff at once, stuff that isn't horrible, for very little money. We're continuing to visit the used-furniture places, in hopes that more treasures will appear.


Quanto? Tanto!  has moved over to Substack, where the nuts and bolts of this sort of operation are more up to date. Please join me over ther...